
About BookieeCookie

BookieeCookie was founded on the 25th of September 2013 to keep track of reading and expressing my thoughts and opinions. The majority of book reviews are of Young Adult fiction. While on my website you will find book reviews, giveaways and pretty much anything book-related.

Dana aka BookieeCookie is a Romanian teenager with a passion for reading. Her bookshelf consists of mostly Young Adult fiction novels, favourable being fantastical, dystopian, romantic or adventurous. Nevertheless, Dana can read almost anything as long as it is fictional.

Some facts about myself:
  • I like wooly jumpers, books and spiderman.
  • I also enjoy web and graphic design, filming and editing.
  • I'm a film student with a passion for video editing. 
  • Photoshop is basically my best friend.
  • I have a book buying addiction and its not really curable. 

Contact Me

Some places where you can find me online

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